Thursday, February 17, 2011

Week Four Value Scale and 6-step Color Wheel

Creating the value scale and color wheel was repetitive for me, as I have completed both several times in other art classes.  It is a necessary step in learning to work with different mediums.

I preferred working with the HB pencil to create the value scale.  The medium offers more flexibility in correction than does acrylic.  The brushes I had available to me to work with on the 6-step color wheel were not the best and did not enable me to create crisp edges, and stray hairs were annoying.  Working with the acrylic colors, however, give many possiblities to make variations colors.

The most important discovery in the creation of these studies, was simply the use of a sub par quality of brushes, and with the acrylics, it would have been better to to use good brushes. 

The video, Color Theory 2: Paint/Pigment Primary colors. The Truth!!!, was a quick and entertaining expression of what really makes black not brown. It clearly made sense as to why when we purchase inks for our printers, we don't just buy red, yellow and blue, but cyan, magenta and yello.

Below are my renditions of the Value Scale and Color Wheel.  My concern with the color wheel is that the violet section does not transfer to digital media as well as it shows on my paper.

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