Sunday, February 27, 2011

Week 6: Peer Review of Blogs

For this Week, I reviewed two classmate's blogs;  Anthony Cancemi, and Joshua Vail

In Anthony's blog assignment #1 (Elements and Principles) I felt that all of the photographs portrayed the characteristic it was intended to represent. Each captured the elements and principles of design. I especially like his photograph for Shape entry. I also see this as a more complex composition that has line, texture, value and balance.
In Joshua's blog assignment #1, I  also feel he has successfully executed the assignment. The photographs for shape, rhythm and balance strike me as studies that can be developed further.  "Space" has so much going on, even though at first it appears a simple composition.  I see form, texture, value and balance all in this one photograph. 

 Both Anthony and Joshua noted images that I also commented on from my visit to the Albright Knox Art Gallery.  These include Gary Simmon's, "D.C. Pavillion", Zhan Wang's "Urban Landscape Buffalo, Sol LeWitt's, "Wall Drawing #1268", and Jess', "The Unentitled Graces". Some of the reasons the artworks were selected were for similar reasons and some were not, but the fact remains, the artworks left impressions on us even in different ways.
My interest was peeked in two of the works that Anthony and Joshua noted.  First, Matthew Ritchie's, "Morning Wars" prompted me to do a search of the piece on the AK website, where I found an interview with Ritchie regarding his installation and the recently purchased work.  Robert Longo's , "Hum" also is an artwork that I would like to know more about. I would like to know more about how the pieces were created and what do they represent? I am always drawn to images that seem rather simple, yet the techniques used are complex. 

The process of reading my peers reflection is a great way to have a dialog in an on line environment when we do not have the opportunity to have a group discussion in class, or to tour a gallery as a group. I find this to be a helpful tool in the process of learning about art and the reactions we all have to art.

I am eagerly awaiting comments that will be posted by my Peers. Positive or Negative, I am sure I will find their comments helpful.

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