Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 16 Art Criticism Reflection

I reviewed kelly_project4, vail_project4, and project_4, for my art criticism article, however, I chose Sessana_project4 to review.  I chose, "Full-Figured" by Nicholas Sessanna to review because of them all, his exhibit was the most professional, followed the assignment guidelines and had an interesting theme. 

The challenges I faced in writing the article was trying to remain as objective as I could.  To overcome this challenge, I only concluded the criticism with a compliment to his effort and recommendation for viewers to take in the exhibit.  I tried to imagine myself doing a commentary in a local paper, or on a local news station. 

I enjoyed critiquing my peers work, it provided an opportunity to have "dialect" regarding work much the same way a traditional studio class room has critiques.

I would like to read the critique my peers  wrote about my Art Curation Project.  I embrace constructive criticism because it helps me to grow as an artist and a professional.  It is a way to receive other thoughts that I may not have considered.

I rate my article a 9, because it is just shy of a full two pages, but I do feel I covered the information expected.

I enjoyed working on this project because in this virtual setting, I can play the role of a professional in the art world, without feeling self conscious.  It has really given me something to think about as a possible career path.

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