Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 9 Art Making: Exploring Line

The assignment for this art making exploration was to draw one hand using our dominant hand and then reverse it to drawing our dominant hand with our non-dominant hand. 

Using my own hand as a subject matter to draw was a little bit of a challenge because I wanted to move my hand that was  the subject!  I chose to use an HB drawing pencil because I am accustomed to sketching with this pencil. Perhaps if I had chosen charcoal, the image would have transferred to the computer in a darker value. Drawing with my non-dominant hand was difficult, although the results are not as bad as I anticipated.  I think these studies were successful in that both drawings are approximately the same size in scale, however, less successful in detail as I am not accustomed to using my non dominant hand for detail.  This assignment is an excellent exercise in skill building and I am inclined to experiment with sketching using my non-dominant hand in the future.  In my art practice of working with fibers and textiles, I am more aware now of just how much I utilize both hands but not for fine details. 

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